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Trust is a two-edge sword, it cuts both ways, for you to get the trust that you so demanded, you must first show the other spouse that you can be trusted. What often happen with trust is that it can be manipulated or isolated to expose the other partner weaknesses, we often see one partner weaponize trust for all sorts of nefarious reasons.

The only way trust works is to have it wholeheartedly in all areas of your life not just in one area where you can use it against the other person to make yourself look good.

Typically, you often hear about trust when one partner has been unfaithful to the other, (here is how trust is manipulated). You then issue a demand that you trust him/her not to do that again so now that person is giving a trust chip to which he/she hopes to never cash in.

Here is the other edge of that sword. Infidelity might not be your weakness, it might be flirting, drinking, excessive shopping or whatever else that you know the person would not approve of that you are currently doing, you have to declare that! Yes, we are not saying that they are the same thing, one crime does not equate the other, one of them can lead to divorce while the other can be sorted out quickly over a few good communication sessions.

These are two extreme examples just to drive home the point. Trust is a lifestyle. Trust must be a two-way street. Read up on the pillar of communication and get some more in depth on this pillar in your marriage foundation.

 we often see one partner weaponize trust for all sorts of nefarious reasons.

  • Trust requires you to be vulnerable.
  • You cannot give trust if you cannot be trusted
  • Trust is a chip that must be earn. it is never a gift
  • Do you trust your husband or your wife?
  • Can your spouse trust you now?